20 yrs Engineering & Project Management Experience. John is a
professional engineer registered in Colorado and Wyoming with
extensive experience in environmental management and engineering,
and construction & project management.
M.S. Water Resources & Environmental Engineering,
University of Colorado - Boulder
M.B.A. Finance, University of Colorado at Denver
B.S. Civil Engineering, University of Illinois,
Spanish: Reads, writes, and speaks Spanish
Key Qualifications
John Jankousky is an environmental engineer with over 20 years
experience on various complex environmental and construction
projects. John's experience includes:
· Regulatory analysis, negotiation, permitting, and compliance,
including Clean Water Act NPDES permits, Clean Air Act permits,
Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plans,
and NEPA analysis and document preparation
· Mine reclamation planning and design
· Surface water and groundwater hydrology, including modeling
and hydrology-related design
· Investigation, remedy selection, and remedial design for
environmental restoration projects including industrial and
mining sites
· Phase I environmental site assessments and Phase II
environmental site investigations
· Construction supervision for mine reclamation and remediation
· Computer-intensive analyses such as statistical testing for
environmental data, managing databases, and building and running
spreadsheet models.