Project Descriptions
City of Boulder Environmental Management System (EMS)
EME Solutions consulted to the City of
Boulder as they developed and implemented their Environmental
Management System. This work included collaborating with city
staff on EMS strategy, design, and implementation; building a
team to implement the EMS; encouraging the City to celebrate
its many environmental successes; and conducting EMS brain-
storming and training sessions. Example tasks included: 
1) meetings with individual work groups to kick off the project,
monitor progress and provide technical expertise; 2) facilitation
of sessions with individual work group to identify environmental
aspects and impacts; and 3) conducting a workshop on EMS leader-
ship for Department heads.
Schmidt Construction Company Environmental Management System
Under contract to Schmidt Construction Company, EME Solutions
is currently developing and assisting in the implementation
of an EMS.
CDPHE EMS Template
Under contract to the Colorado Department of Health and 
Environment, EME Solutions developed an EMS Template for use 
by Hot Mix Asphalt Plants in Colorado.  The work included: a 
detailed review of existing industry EMSs and interviews with 
CDPHE personnel and Colorado Asphalt Paving Association (CAPA)
facility personnel; development and presentation of a draft of the 
elements and structure of the EMS template; and development of 
a final template containing fill-in-the-blank procedures for each of 
the 17 EMS elements.
Management and Training
Environmental Management Systems (EMSs)
Angela Jankousky is an accomplished public speaker on a variety of 
management and environmental topics. Invited presentations have 
Permitting, Regulatory Negotiation, and NEPA
Environmental Consulting to the Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers 
EME Solutions has consulted to the Asphalt 
Roofing Manufacturers Association on a variety of air emissions
issues. Projects have included: presenting information to the U.S.
EPA regarding emissions of hazardous air pollutants, commenting on
U.S. EPA's proposed MACT regulations, and development of criteria
pollutant and hazardous air pollutant emissions factors for 
industry sources.
Auditing and Regulatory Compliance
EME provided an environmental audit, regulatory compliance
assistance and negotiations with regulators, and environmental
investigations for a Confidential Client in Colorado. After
performing the audit, EME provided NPDES permitting, a Storm
Water Management Plan, and a Spill Prevention Controls and 
Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan to achieve compliance. EME also
represented the Client in negotiations with the CDPHE and the
City Environmental Department regarding air permit issues
and Clean Water Act issues. In addition, EME completed a 
Phase II environmental investigation on the site.
Manufacturer Auditing and Regulatory Compliance
EME provided an environmental audit and regulatory compliance
assistance for a manufacturer with a new plant located in Aurora,
Colorado. After performing the audit for the newly-started manu-
facturing plant, EME provided an environmental compliance calendar
for the facility. Additionally, EME provided NPDES permitting, a
Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP), EPCRA 312 (Tier II) and 
EPCRA 313 (Toxic Release Inventory) reporting, and support for
air permitting issues.
NEPA Documentation for AT&T Fiber Optic Network
As a subcontractor to Robert Scott Environmental, EME Solutions
authored the water quality, soils, and geology sections for a 
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Environmental Assessment
for a fiber optic cable project crossing Arizona and New Mexico.
EME evaluated the affected environment, which included over 100
stream and river crossing and associated riparian and floodplain
areas, and the potential impacts on the affected environment 
from proposed project activities, which involved placing over
700 miles of fiber optic cable and necessary support buildings in
highway right of way. EME proposed mitigation for potential
impacts, including proposed methods for stream and river crossing
and Best Management Practices for protection of water quality.
EME also provided wetlands permitting and Phase I environmental
assessments on the project.
Air Permitting, Confidential Client
EME provided air permitting services for approximately 50 natural
gas compressor and glycol dehydrator sites requiring minor and
major source permits. EME performed GlyCalc modeling and dispersion
modeling using SCREEN3 in support of the permitting.
NPDES Permitting and Sampling
For a confidential client, EME obtained National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (NNPDES) permitting for its
construction dewatering activities. EME collected
environmental samples and reported the results to the 
regulatory agency with Discharge Monitoring Reports. EME
negotiated with regulators after upset conditions caused a
violation and helped design BMPs to eliminated the problem.
Environmental Engineering & Hydrologic and Hydraulic 
Aurora Central Facility Redevelopment, Aurora, Colorado.
EME Solutions, as a subcontractor to Parsons Brinckerhoff,
provided hydrologic and hydraulic engineering for the 
redevelopment of the Aurora Central Facility, a 35-acre
industrial site used by the City of Aurora as a support
facility for its operations. EME performed an evaluation
of flows from the minor and major storms, and designed open
channels, detention basins, and storm sewers for the site.
EME provided Best Management Practices for stormwater
Gem Mine Reclamation
As subconsultant to Mining & Environmental Services LLC, EME
worked on the Gem Mine Reclamation project for the Clear Creek
County Watershed Foundation. EME performed hydrologic and 
hydraulic analyses, channel and detention basin design, and 
construction oversight for this abandoned mine site being used
as a repository for mine wastes within the Clear Creek watershed.
Natural Gas Production Pit Closures, Confidential Client
EME provided construction oversight and environmental sampling 
for closure of over 30 hydrocarbon-contaminated sites associated 
with natural gas processing. EME oversaw remedial efforts and 
performed sampling and field analysis of samples using a Miran 
test kit, allowing for quicker sample turnarounds and quicker site 
Roadway Design and Hydrologic Design
EME performed hydrologic and hydraulic evaluations, surface water 
modeling, and designed surface water control structures for a 
county roadway in the Colorado mountains. EME provided grading 
details and cross sections for roadway improvements. EME 
provided storm water Best Management Practices for the project.
Landfill Closure
EME, for a project that was part of the Colorado Abandoned Mine
Program, performed hydrologic and hydraulic evaluations, surface
water modeling, and designed channels and detention basins for
an abandoned open-pit coal mine that had been used as a county
landfill. EME also provided plans and specifications and 
construction oversight for the landfill closure.
Angela Libby Jankousky
Telephone: 303-518-5412
To Contact Us:
EME Solutions, Inc.
15248 W. Ellsworth Dr.
Golden, CO 80401-5005
Environmental Assessments
    (Phase I and Phase II)
Risk Assessments
Environmental Permitting
NEPA Analysis and Document 
Environmental Remediation
Environmental Project Management
Regulatory Negotiations
Collaborative Solutions to Technical Problems
Strategic Environmental, Health and Safety
    (EHS) Services
EHS Management System Design and
EHS Management Systems Audits
EHS Compliance Audits
Mentoring EHS Professionals
Conceptual and Detailed Design of
    Environmental Remediation Projects
Mine Reclamation Planning and Design
Hydrologic Evaluations
Surface and Ground Water Modeling
Design of Water Diversion Channels and
SPCC Plans
John L. Jankousky, P.E.
Telephone: 303-279-1707